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The July Garden Update & Summer Camp @ MHCA

Writer's picture: Our Daily Bread Our Daily Bread

Over the past several weeks the garden has been thriving and our Summer Campers have been busy planting, watering and caring for vegetables, herbs and flowers. Our older campers who are involved with Special Projects Sessions have been clearing out and preparing new beds for future planting.

Check out the following photos of what we have been growing, and harvesting this past month.

Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower have been spared from the "cabbage worm" by treating each plant with natural soap and oils.

The aphids in the garden have been kept under control by the release of hundreds of ladybugs by our campers.

This little guy, know as the tobacco hornworm, was caught noshing on our tomato plants.

The larvae feed by consuming the leaves of the plants often stripping entire leaves to the midrib and defoliating the entire plant.

Though considered a common garden pest, the tobacco horn worm can cause significant damage to tomato and potato crops.

Past few weeks we have harvested bush beans, zucchini, yellow squash and hot chili peppers and of course assorted fresh herbs including a ton of basil.

An all time favorite old fashion garden flower, The Hydrangea #hygrandeaheaven

Very excited to see our first baby watermelon ( about the size of a small lemon ) The vine is being trained to climb a trellis in an effort to save space and allow for a decent watermelon crop.

One of several tomato varieties planted. here, the San Marzano plum tomato perfect for making sauce is waiting to ripen before picking.

A few works of art from our Gardening Campers, when asked

" What did you see in the garden today?"



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