Maybe you’ve never stopped to consider the difference. Do you actually know what makes an herb an herb or what makes a spice a spice?
The answer is simple: Herbs and spices are made up of the dried elements of a plant. The difference between them depends completely on which part of the plant is used. Herbs only ever come from the green and leafy part of the plant, and spices are made up of any other non leafy part!
Here are some examples:

Sometimes one plant can yield both spices and herbs depending on which part you use. For example, cilantro comes from the leaf of the cilantro plant, whereas the seed is responsible for the spice coriander.

Here are some plants that can be used as both an herb and a spice:

There are so many things to learn when it comes to the food we eat! Even though this is a small detail of the bigger picture, its always good to grow in our understanding of these fun facts. Small, but by no means insignificant things like this can expand our joy for the everyday things of life.
What are some of your go-to herbal remedies? Is there a spice you could never live without? Let us know in the comments.